Fall 2020 Course Syllabus
Course: PHIL-1301- Section: 2C
Introduction to Philosophy
LSCPA Logo Image
Instructor Information
Instructor Steven Zani
Phone(409) 984-6330
Location:Madison Monroe Education - Room: 228
Inmate Instruction
Chair:Dr. Michelle Davis
Phone:(409) 984-6341

If you have a grievance, complaint, or concern about this course that has not been resolved through discussion with the Instructor, please consult the Department Chair.
COVID 19 Information The Lamar State College Port Arthur (LSCPA) Student Code of Conduct COVID 19 Policy requires students who have been exposed to COVID 19 or diagnosed with COVID 19 to report their condition on the COVID 19 Notification Form (available via a link on the Student Code of Conduct COVID19 webpage). This information will be provided to the Dean of Student Services. In addition, this policy requires all students to wear face coverings in compliance with the criteria included in the policy. For more information please refer to the COVID 19 link on the LSCPA website.
Course Information
Description A study of major issues in philosophy and/or the work of major philosophical figures in philosophy. Topics in philosophy may include theories of reality, theories of knowledge, theories of value, and their practical applications.
Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes 1. read, analyze and critique philosophical texts;
2. demonstrate knowledge of key concepts, major arguments, problems, and terminology in philosophy.
3. present logically persuasive arguments in writing;
4. demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation and application of philosophical concepts to various aspects of life;
5. evaluate the personal and social responsibilities of living in a diverse world.
Core Objectives Critical Thinking Skills: Students will engage in creative and/or innovative thinking, and/or inquiry, analysis, evaluation, synthesis of information, organizing concepts and constructing solutions.

Personal Responsibility: Students will demonstrate the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making.
Program Student Learning Outcomes PSLO 1: Critical Thinking Skills – Uses creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
SLO 1: Critical Thinking Skills – Students will use creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.
CSLO 1: read, analyze and critique philosophical texts; CSLO 2: demonstrate critical thinking skills in evaluation and application of philosophical concepts to various aspects of life;

PSLO 6: Personal Responsibility Skills – Integrates choices, actions and consequences in ethical decision-making.
SLO 6: Personal Responsibility Skills –Students will integrate choices, actions and consequences in ethical decision-making.
CSLO 5: evaluate the personal and social responsibilities of living in a diverse world.

Textbooks Textbook Purchasing Statement: A student attending Lamar State College Port Arthur is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from the college-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer.

Philosophy, 11th ed. – Wadsworth, Pub.
Lecture Topics
Introduction (The World Riddle / The Spirit of Inquiry) Pages 3-29
Predicament / Self Pages 77-105
Knowledge / Senses Pages 163-185
“99 Problems” Essay
Laws/Conscience / Ethics Pages 318-327 and 374-391
Lifestyles / Freedom Pages 333-345 and 257-265
Psyche Pages 221-229
Midterm Exam
Life Pages 401-423
History Pages 291-311
Hagakure selections HAND OUT
Death/Immortality Pages 621-635
Final Exam
Major Assignments
Final Exam Date December 13, 2020 - 8:00 AM
Grading Scale  90 - 100=A    80 - 89=B    70 - 79=C     60 - 69=D    Below 59 = F
Determination of
Final Grade
Response Papers: 50%
Midterm Exam – 25%
Final Exam – 25%
Course Policies
Instructor Policies Cheating: Academic Honesty is important in Education. Students caught cheating on exams/responses will be given an “F” for the class. It will not matter if you’re a hard-working student, or that you really do want to learn about Philosophy, or that [insert traumatic event here] has happened. Your own “Responses” and Exam-answers are just as likely to get your full credit from the class than anyone else, and if you’re taking/stealing someone else’s work I will probably recognize that fact very quickly anyway.

All issues and problems with the class should be discussed with the proctor, who will pass the relevant information to me.
Attendance Policy If you are absent three times in a row, TDC rules state that you may be dropped; you will thereby sacrifice the opportunity to enroll in any college courses for one year. “Absence” in the context of online/correspondence instruction will consist of your lack of meeting at scheduled times with the program proctor.
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is expected from all students, and dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Please consult the LSC-PA policies (Section IX, subsection A, in the Faculty Handbook) for consequences of academic dishonesty.
Facility Policies
  1. No food or tobacco products are allowed in the classroom.

  2. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission.

  3. Use of electronic devices is prohibited.
Important Information
ADA Considerations The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the the Office for Disability Services Coordinator, Room 231, in the Madison Monroe Building. The phone number is (409) 984-6241.
MyLSCPA Be sure to check your campus E-mail and Course Homepage using MyLSCPA campus web portal (My.LamarPA.edu). When you've logged in, click the email icon in the upper right-hand corner to check email, or click on the "My Courses" tab to get to your Course Homepage. Click the link to your course and review the information presented. It is important that you check your email and Course Homepage regularly. You can also access your grades, transcripts, and determine who your academic advisor is by using MyLSCPA.
Other None
HB 2504 This syllabus is part of LSC-PA's efforts to comply with Texas House Bill 2504.